Wisdom from O'Reilly
From Bill's Talking Points:
Here's what the American left wants right now:What a world we would have without the lefties.
• A rapid withdrawal from Iraq , leaving that country to pretty much fend for itself.
• Discussions, but no confrontation, with Iran. — An article in The L.A. Times this week played down any danger from Iran.
• Free medical care for low-income Americans, run by the government .
• No improved security at the southern border — the left wants to maintain the chaotic status quo; the far left wants to maintain open borders.
• A big tax hike on affluent Americans and government regulation of corporate salaries for fat cats
• Suspension of NSA listening programs and target suspected terrorists
• Civilian trials for captured terrorists
• And the closing of Guantanamo Bay.
• And finally: gay marriage, unfettered abortion, medical euthanasia, fetal stem cell research and a host of other social changes.